Advice Services

At ShARP, we understand that life’s complexities often come with questions that need clear, expert answers. Our advice services are tailored to meet the diverse needs of our community.

ShARP is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee.

We provide a range of FREE advice services, including telephone, face to face and also outreach advice sessions in Coalfields and Washington.

Please contact us Monday – Friday – 9am – 4.30pm for more details.

When you contact us you will be able to speak to an advice worker, and may be given an in person or telephone appointment, offered self help materials, or provided other help.

ShARP provides advice and guidance on debt and general welfare rights issues. Our team of qualified experienced advice workers. Our aim is to help the local community to help themselves. Understanding and supporting the needs of our local community is what we do best. We hold the Advice Quality Standard.  Enabling us to provide a range of high-quality advice and guidance services. Including help with budgeting and debt

Welfare Reform

The Welfare system is under constant review by the government, which can lead to change.  We are here to help with any queries or concerns that you might have.

For more information, contact us.

Welfare Benefit

To check what you’re entitled to, you can use any of the following links.

For free guidance and assistance on this, contact us

Welfare Benefits

ShARP can assist you with a variety of Welfare and Benefits issues.We have included links to some of the forms regularly needed by our clients.
Form to appeal against Working Tax and Child Tax Credit decisions

For information about PIP forms for adults please follow the link below.

Attendance Allowance Forms over 65 years of age
Child’s Disability Living Allowance Form under 16 to download
To apply for Carers on line
Carers allowance download form

ShARP's Free Energy Advice Service

There is FREE one-to-one advice. Please call ShARP during office hours to book a place (please spread the word to older friends and family who might not use the internet) 0191 3856687…. All welcome
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